January 1, 2023

Home Improvement | Minor extension

So many good things happened in 2022 (except for some minor mistakes and regrets).

No, we did not visit a new country, but we did have our short Cuti-cuti Malaysia trips, twice.  Nor did we moved to a new home.  But we finally did some extensions to our home, only a minor one, no roof extension involved.

This is our 1st time renovating the house since we moved in 15 years ago.  I don’t like renovations work, I hate the dust and the cleaning part.

But during mco, we saw many neighbours’ house were undergoing renovations, well I guess since we can’t travel/ stay in hotels, might as well spend those money creating a better home. So we started looking for contractors.

At 1st we only planned on renovating the back of our house, for the laundry area, change the grill to high performance mesh folding door.  Change the storeroom door and the toilet door to aluminium door.  Change the roof gutters.  Repaire some of the broken car porch tiles.

We were quite happy with the work and we decided to extend the construction to renovate our front porch. Changed our main door, and install a new window.

We were so happy with the outcome. It makes our home more airy and brighter.  We are lovin it.

Before the renovation on the front house.

After the renovation, the main door is now not visible from this angle, it goes to the side wall, and new windows were installed.  Extra room for shoe racks at the entrance.

I almost forgot, in 2021, we changed our kitchen cabinets, that deserves a post on it own.

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