August 8, 2023

Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul

We visited Bukchon Hanok Village on a Wednesday morning.

As we did not plan to explore any palaces or temples during our stay in Seoul; Bukchon Hanok Village seems to be the best alternative for us to leisurely experience the traditional Korean architectural style.

We took an Uber from Myeongdong at 9:40am and reach the village at around 10:10am.  Upon our arrival, the place was relatively quiet with not many people around.  After look look, see see, and capturing photos, I went shopping at the souvenir shops nearby while hubby and kids had their cold drinks at a convenience shop nearby.

There are a few souvenir shops by the roadside, and there's also option to rent traditional Korean attire available there.  I bought several souvenirs here, earrings, fridge magnets, mail openers, most of which have a 'Made in Korea' label.

After spending about 2 hours enjoying the village's charm and the weather getting hotter, we took another Uber ride to return to our hotel in Myeongdong.

 Entering the village area.

Beautiful architecture.

Our vlog..

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