January 11, 2024

I burned my hand

I am never gonna fry any keropok lekor anymore.

The unfortunate incident happened on 24th Dec 2023 at my kampung house.  Everyone was joyfully preparing for Christmas.  I wanted to prepare something for our teabreak, fried keropok lekor it is.  However, the keropok lekor literally exploded in the wok, startling even my father who was having his afternoon nap at that time woke up due to the loud sound.  That's how it's all happened.

I ran my hand under the tap, but there was a disruption of water supply in our kampung on that day, so I only did this for less than 10 minutes when it should have been done for more than 15min or 30min.

Serious sakit weh.  My sister hurried outside to get a fresh aloe vera, I apply on it and it does help in cooling it a bit.  But still painful.

Me and hubby drove to 3 clinics in Bau town, but none were open, it was also 4pm on Sunday, and Christmas eve some more. what do you expect?  Luckily the farmacy is open.  Hubby purchased a cream and painkiller.  I quickly took 1 of the painkiller, and can really felt the reduction in pain.

I applied the cream, and the pain became bearable with no sign of burn blisters, so we thought it just a 1st degree burn.  Wrong.

On 25th Dec, Christmas Day, I got hubby to help me prepare steam fish, I try to keep my hand dry.  And Christmas went on as usual.  At noon, I noticed bubbles forming, more in the evening.  Damn, it's turned out be a 2nd degree burn, but no pain, just uncomfortable, so the celebration continue.

I return to work on 26th Dec, well cuti tak approve, malas nak cerita part ni.  It was so uncomfortable working with these open injuries, so at noon I went to BMC, seeking for medical attention from the not-so-friendly Skin Specialist.  Got antibiotics, cream and pink wash liquid.

27th Dec, I wrapped my injured hand, and went work as usual.

On 30th, I visited another Skin Specialist in Tabuan.  Thankfully, I found the right doctor.  Friendly staff, useful advice, hi-tech equipment.  Got cream and clear liquid wash from there.

4th Jan, my 2nd session at the Tabuan clinic. Kulit aku kena kopak, sakit weh.

And 11 Jan, I had my last treatment and my skin is almost back to normal. Almost.


Christmas Day

At office

Last Healite session.

Almost there.

Some advice from friends and family that I managed to follow:

1. Solve - Intensive Skin Repair Cream

2. Evening Primrose Oil - I bought from Cosway

3. ELG6 from Elken

4. To avoid ikan haluan essence, cause fast healing will produce not-good-looking skin.  Not sure mitf or fact.

5. To avoid prawn, it can cause itchiness.  But I still take, itchy but i can control myself with the help of the Solve cream.

6. To avoid soy sauce, will produce dark new skin.  hmm.. I still take la.

It was such a painful experience, 1st few days I was sill blaming myself for such a stupid mistake and on so many ways that I can avoid this from happening.  But, itu lah kata orang, benda kalau dah nak jadi pasti akan jadi.  

Whatever it is, I will not fry keropok lekor again, and don't ever use tongs when deep frying.

My new enemy.


  1. OMG!!! This looked serious and painful. Hope there's no permanent scars later. I always have faith in pure Lavender essential oils from Young Living Oils USA. It has healed my burns or blue black bruises completely within hours on same day itself.

  2. The wound healed nicely, Thank God.
