December 4, 2008

Merry Christmas

Yeay..20 days more to go!

Merry Christmas / Merry X'mas

The labarum, often called the Chi-Rho, is a Christian symbol representing Christ.

In ancient Christian art, χ and χρ are abbreviations for Christ's name.

There is no grand scheme to dilute Christianity by promoting the use of Xmas instead of Christmas. It is not a modern invention to try to convert Christmas into a secular day, nor is it a device to promote the commercialism of the holiday season. Its origin is thoroughly rooted in the heritage of the Church. It is simply another way to say Christmas, drawing on a long history of symbolic abbreviations used in the church. In fact, as with other abbreviations used in common speech or writing (such as Mr. or etc.), the abbreviation "Xmas" should be pronounced "Christmas" just as if the word were written out in full, rather than saying "exmas." Understanding this use of Christian symbolism might help us modern day Xians focus on more important issues of the Faith during Advent, and bring a little more Peace to the Xmas Season.

* Just my humble opinion

source :


  1. This is new. I guess u must have done some research. However, I still believe that the word "Christ" should be uphold above all else. Name above all names i would say. Thanks for sharing because not many of us knew about the existence of this symbol.

  2. Willie : TQ for ur previous post too. It makes i think (a lot) and decide to read more on this topic. I just dont want to feel 'sad' if i saw X'mas (word); now I dont have to anymore!

  3. Ivynana, that is a matter of opinion. U do know that people who contribute to wiki are also putting parts of their opinions in there, and only half is fact.

  4. this is new 2 me, thanks a lot 4 d info...

  5. Ivynana > Just use it with caution i guess.

  6. ok i will, thanks..saya budak baru belajar.

  7. good info there.. this morning in a radio show the new name for Christina Aguilera is 'Xtina Aquilera'. How about that? maybe if we start to change to 't'mas, which is a cross sign too, then they will start call her Tina, which is politically correct too.

    anybody want to start using 'Tmas'?
