December 2, 2008

Smiley Moon

Did anyone see the smiley moon last night?

December 1st, 2008 – Venus, Jupiter and Moon form “smiley face”

In the last week in November and the first week of December 2008, the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, will be close together in the evening sky, forming a spectacular double. The two are closest together on Monday December 1st, with Venus lying about 2 degrees to the South (left) of Jupiter. On the same night the Crescent Moon will appear just beneath them, forming a “Smiley Face”.

Upper diagram shows graphic representation of the event.

source :

I didn't see it, but few of my friends did...arghh..why oh why!


  1. Didnt either. But it was kinda rainy last night, right?

  2. I was told that it was visible around 6.30pm-8.30pm.

  3. alamak terlepas, sik ku tauk but member2 di dept. ada nangga...cis bila lagi hohhh.....

  4. brapa ribu tahun gik kot :(
