April 16, 2009

Lunch Buffet at Hilton Pt.1

Hilton is having a lunch buffet promotion until 20 April 2009 at RM39++
Apa lagi kawan², cepat la ke sana.
Let's have a look at the surrounding 1st.

Nanti kita tengok apa makanan yang ada okey..

Jum tengok kite makan ape at Lunch Buffet at Hilton Pt.2


  1. Hilton Kuching eh? i ingat kat PJ.. boleh i go makan makan! :D

  2. Oh really? Hmmm I wonder whether I can bring my wife there or not. She's always busy. Hehehehe

    what's the RM39++? the exact price will be RM39.99? Hehehe

  3. I consider it a bit pricey for a lunch at this period of time.

  4. Hey, where is the food??? Nice or not???

  5. Merryn : sorry to say, it's in Kch ;)

    Willie : really, sila la bawa.

    Ivy : ok kan?!

    Superman : Consider good enough for 5 star hotel lo. Where to get cheaper than that?

    Rose : stay tune ;)

  6. oh, maklum lah dah banyak bonus hari tu kan. kenak sik pegi 4 Points ka, semadi ngabis duit. mba la aku sekali. hehe

  7. one other : bonus ya udah jd history dah..kuikui.
