April 12, 2009

Potty training

At the age of 2 years 6 months and 3 weeks, for the 1st time, Eugene dah pandai buang air besar sambil duduk kat potty.  Dah bertahun Mummy beli potty tu, tapi dia tak nak duduk kat situ. Yes, I know it's a bit late, but still I'm very proud of his latest achievement!

Happy Potty training and Happy Easter to all!


  1. Kids learned bah.. biar lambat asal selamat.. hehe.. :)

  2. Let him continue to sit and know that the only place to pee and poo is on his potty! Good luck!! Soon you can let him off the diapers. Save a lot of diapers, you know. :)

  3. Khairul : auk, biar lambat asal selamat, kelak mun nguguk dr potty pun susah juak nak.

    Rose : yes, now he only use diapers when he is asleep.

  4. mst kiut jak duduk atas tampoi ya..ingat zaman kecik2 dulu huhu..
    tahniah utk eugene..=)

  5. congrats eugene.. last time when ethan was 6 mths old.. always duduk potty until 1 n da half years.. tibatiba... tak nak duduk potty dah!!! pening lah!

  6. ok apa 2 years plus. ada yg sampai 5 tahun belum pandai duduk relax kat potty. mun nak upgrade terus ke toilet, lagi senang.

  7. Ivy : auk nang cute, lucu jak rupa nya..kiki

    Merryn : wow so early, 6 mths dah duduk potty.

    One other : lum dpt duk toilet lg, tinggi gilak, Eugene pendek jak..hihi
