December 3, 2009


Oh..I hate RHB online.
Online banking is supposed to be convenient,
But it doesn’t seem to be that way with RHB online.
Always have to make my life miserable.

Ada problem kena call KL,
Ingat bill telephone murah ka?!


  1. It does take a while to get used to, I found out that the "headers" inside the list on the left, are links too, so that's where you click to load up your favorite accounts.

    Other than that, the login process sucks, they should just make it simpler.

  2. Adeh heh! I sikda masalah macam ya dayung. Mbuh call KL? mbuh paguh yeah?

  3. i don't do any online banking, it is complicated also

  4. Gallivanter: my user ID is blocked, called their helpdesk already, till now still haven't un-blocked yet :(

    Willie: untung la you.

    HAzel: I need them to pay my bills, and most important to do online shopping ;)

  5. The thing is.. I dont do online banking at all.. haha

  6. Kmk pun knk mcm ya juak 1st time RHB online tukar interface nya dolok. Pwd knk block. Terpaksa juak call KL, mun email cdaknya, respond time slow gila pig. Apakah fungsi customer service kah hor...

  7. Get the extra RM10 for streamyx users.. unlimited free calls to national and local calls.
