May 18, 2010

9 months

My darling lil Emmett turned 9 months yesterday.

His non-achievement so far:
  • belum tumbuh gigi
  • tidur malam tak pernah lena
  • he screams when he cries
  • very much attached with Mummy; nampak Mummy terus nangis, nak minta angkat
  • had fungal skin infections last week, applied some Hydrocortisone cream, now getting better
  • dah pandai lambai 'bye-bye', diikuti dengan muka sedih :(


  1. When we look at our own children, we realize that how time really flies, doesn't it?

    enjoy every minute of our child's growing up ya

  2. Cutenye Emmet... sinde sude dayung re ogi meh? hehe. Eunice kah... Eugenia kah...

  3. LOL.. non-achievers pla jadi headline.

    Nevermind, when he's older, it will start to be his success stories (that totally sounds like MLM promo pla :P )

  4. Not a single teeth yet? Mine almost 9 months got 4 teeth.

    Sometimes he will wake up in middle of the night, doesnt want to sleep but play with us till he is tired. Lol

  5. dat's so cute - non achiever! lol... cute! :D
