May 20, 2010

My Restaurant 2010

This is my 2nd post on My Restaurant.
The 1st one is here.

My Restaurant is one of our favourite dining place, coz the food is verrryy nicee..

Fried macaroni with bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes etc.

Mixed grilled at RM38.90

Apple pie served with a scoop of ice cream at RM12.90
 Mashed potato - the best in town!

Last updated 2017: My new best mashed potato in town is at

Gourmet Sausage

See My Restaurant (2009)


  1. ... and the 1st time u buat entry, i pun ada comment. haha. Looks so yummy, problem is, i still havent found time to come here (sebab buka certain time jak, mun sik, penuh) or the company. sebab sik halal... how la? ko mauk neman kah?

  2. Ms tikot: ;)

    Coffee girl: boleh, padah jak bila you mauk, lunch time auk, monday sidak close.

  3. I haven't get the chance to dine there. Wonder when...

  4. wah...lapar aku dipolah nya...
