July 12, 2014

In my garden: Butternut Squash

Just like my Winter Melon, I also did not plant this Butternut Squash on purpose.

At 1st I thought this is going to be another Winter Melon, but when I observe the leaves carefully, I can see the non-similarities.  

After some thinking and little research, I come up with a conclusion that this is a Butternut Squash plant.

See the differences.
Winter Melon leaves (top) vs Butternut Squash leaves (bottom).

We will just have to wait for the fruit to confirm what plant is this, for the being this is Butter Squash at Week 1.


  1. Replies
    1. In Bau we call it Kroni. Tp both pumpkin n butternut squash also Kroni, right?

  2. i actually had to google what butternut squash looks like... hehe i think so lah the same.

    1. Coffee girl: so far what I learned from mr google is that pumpkin is the round one; while butternut squash is the long one. But both also krone/kreni to us Bidayuh.

  3. Wow! I must visit your garden some day. Learn gardening frim you.

    1. Aiyo Rose, pai-se pai-se. It all either hit or miss only, plus I just did not blog about all those fail plant in my garden also ;)

  4. You have a great garden, Ez. Easy to grow. Mine keeps dying..lol!
