July 10, 2014

In my garden: Winter melon

I did not purposely plant this Winter Melon (Ash Gourd).  I just 'throw' the seed after I make a soup out of it few months ago.  Like my other plants in my backyard, I never really take the time to nurture them, then suddenly I saw this yesterday afternoon...
Tada... We have our 1st organically grown Winter Melon in our garden.
Winter melon leaves
Ok, lets not get too excited at this point, we shall see how it turns up.
Let consider this as week 1, I'm not sure how long it takes to mature, will blog about it when it does. Adios.


  1. Wow! I also want to plant the melon too. Hehe. Do update when it ripes.

    1. Yup Rose, you should try, very easy as I didnt put a attention to this one also. I like easy things ;)

  2. Heyy..you've got quite a lovely vegetable garden going on even if it's unattended..lol ^.^

    1. Hi Sharon, I notice that if I accidently plant it, it will come out great, but those that I really look after doesnt seems to give good result, weird!
