August 12, 2014

In my kitchen: Stuffed ash gourd

Remember the ash gourd in my garden? Well, that plant did not survive for long.
This is the only harvest that I get.

So what should I do with this size of ash gourd?
I stuffed it with mince meat.  I got this wonderful idea from a creative blogger - EastCoastLife.

My recipe is very simple, you can read it here.

This is the result...
I don't quite like the taste, but hubby loves it and he is very impress with presentation ;) 

Will try to improve the recipe next time around.


  1. So nice. Can plant and eat own veggies. I think it is a very creative recipe.

    Usually I stir fry the gourd with anchovies.

  2. Wish I have the time and energy to plant more, but sometime the TV programs are just to good to be ignored ;)

  3. Wow dayung! that is indeed a really nice presentation! So you steam the whole fruit with the filling inside? the isi can be eaten after that? How long do you steam it?

  4. Coffee Girl: The truth is I don't really like this 'fruit', but I love how it make the soup 'sweet and tasty'.

    If you like, sure you can eat the fruit together, I think I steamed it for about 1/2 hour - depends on the size of the fruit I guess.
