August 11, 2014

Swimming in 1.8m deep

After 2 years of on-and-off swimming lesson, Eugene finally starts his training from the other end of the pool which is about 1.8 meter deep.

I think I am more nervous than him when he starts swimming in such a depth.
Can't sit still; I keep on following him from the side of the pool.

He is doing quite well I must say; just a bit lacking in stamina.


  1. Where is this? Look like someone's house. I am going to send my 2 kids for swimming classes when move back to Kuching end of this year.

  2. Hi Rose, yes at the backyard of someone's house. I'll email you if you want to know more.

  3. I'm planning to send my son for a swimming lesson too.

    1. Yes I yhink you shud Willie, aa long as your son also agrees :)

  4. That's great progress. I would be nervous too!

    1. Sharon, I guess thats always the case, parents are more kan cheong than the child ;)

  5. kau pandai swim sik Ez Vina? aku rasa nak hantar diri sendiri kursus lok baru hantar anak lain kali lah. huhuhu

  6. hahaha, lawak la ko tok Coffee Girl, auk la hantar jak dirik ko ya swimming lesson nun :P

    opkos la aku pande swimming, aku kan kampung gal, pande nyelamat dirik pun cukup la, tapi stamina teruk nek tok eh.
