January 26, 2015

Eugene 1st visit to dentist

Eugene at 8 years 4 months old.
His 1st visit to dentist.  The school dental clinic doesn't count ya :)

Dia buat 1 filling kat gigi geraham susu.  Doctor advice better buat filling, nanti boleh la gigi susu tu tahan lagi untuk beberapa tahun.  Lagi pun kalau tengok pattern gigi Eugene ni jenis lambat tumbuh, gigi lateral incisor yang sepatutnya tumbuh umur 7 tahun, sekarang baru nak keluar dari gusi.  

Mummy ikut jer advise doctor, Eugene at 1st nyer reluctant, lepas dipujuk akhirnya setuju gak. Total cost RM55.

1 comment:

  1. I havent bring my kids to dentist. The dentist in school doesnt count. Haha.

    Maybe I should bring them go and check up.
