January 23, 2015

Sando Ramen @ ST3, Kuching

Sando Ramen is located on the ground floor of ST3 Shopping Mall in Kuching.

Our 1st time here, we had..

Sando ramen - The smell of the bamboo shoot is quite strong

Charsiew rice

Edamame beans

Potato korrokke (deep fried mashed potato)

Mix chuka

Fried Ebi

And I tapao the Charsiew pork bun for my lunch pack to the office on the next day, yummy.


  1. Bamboo shoot smell is an acquired taste kan? Some ppl like it some doesnt. As for me I love it but my parents and sisters dont.

    1. Exactly Merryn. I love bamboo shoot, but this one is abit off, maybe if they use fresh bamboo shoot instead of the dried one, that would make a big different. Then again, not sure if the local bamboo shoot is suitable for ramen or not la.

  2. I love the soup they always make for ramen. I'll learn how to make it one day! ^.^

    1. Hi Sharon, if can make ur own sure be nice, must use lots of bones to make the soup tasty, maybe.
