July 24, 2015

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap | Day 2

At 1st we planned to go around 5.30am to catch the sunrise at the Angkor Wat.  Then again after careful thought, we end up going after we had breakfast at the hotel, which is around 6.45pm.

We wanted to have a good morning start for the kids, get them fully feed before started the journey.  A cranky kid is the last things that we need for a trip like this.

On Day 2: we visited all the places marked in blur circle
We skipped Angkor Wat and went straight to Ta Prohm.  When we reach Ta Phrom, we have to walk around 500 meters to get to the temple.  I love the shady n sandy path.

I love these huge trees.  They look dramatic but not scary at all.
There were major construction going on Ta Prohm. 

Then we stopped by at Ta Keo, the reconstruction of this temple is sponsored by China-Chinese team.

Next, the Chau Say Thevoda & Thommanom.

Next, Victoria Gate.

Then, The terrace of the Elephants; followed by The terrace of Leper King

South Gate

We went back to the hotel around 11am to have lunch and get some rest.  But before that our tuk tuk uncle had a surprise for us, he brought us to see Monkeys and Bats, the kids were so excited (that will be in another post).

We went back to the temples again at 3.30pm.  These time we went straight to Bayon.

Bayon is famous as the temple of many faces.  Some faces are smiling some just straight faces.  If you hired a guide, you will learn the meaning of behind these faces.  We did not hired any guide ourselves.  We just want to have a free n easy tour.

We went on the the top of Bayon temple, it is so breathtaking up there at sunset.  With only a few people around that time, we basically have the whole place all by ourselves.  We took our sweet time and captured all kind pictures with silly pose up there.

Before 6pm we start moving to have a last glimpse of Angkor Wat.
 I am so glad that we take some time off from our busy work life to visit this ancient city.  We dont know how long it can stand tall, or how far the modernization and restoration work will effect the place. We might even come back here again to explore more.  

The only temple that was initially in my itinerary that we did not get to see is Bakheang.  We decided to skip Bakheang for sunset considering the kids, they might not be able to climb to steep steps.  I am glad that we spent our extra time at Bayon.  It is such a majestic temple indeed.

See Angkor Wat, Siem Reap | Day 1

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