December 15, 2015

Kayaking at Padawan 2015

Earlier this month, I went for kayaking at Padawan river.  This is the 2nd time I join the kayaking trip, the 1st time was in 2013.

I really enjoy the trip, not going to say much, just let the photos speak for themselves ;)
1st part : starting point - Kpg Benguh
2nd part : stop at the waterfall, this time we need to trek about 200 meters as the water level is not hi enough for us to kayak straight to the waterfall.
3rd part : lunch break at Kpg Danu.  Did some durian shopping there too, direct from the villager's boat.
4th part : last pit stop, mandi and makan durian again.  Rain started to fall.
5th part : another 5-10 minutes kayak from the last pit stop.  Reach the end point at Kpg Semedang.


  1. Beautiful shots of your adventure, Ez. I enjoy looking through pictures of the great outdoors. This was a lovely read.

    1. Hi sharon, its great to be able to do outdoor activity like this once awhile.
