March 26, 2020

Day 8 Movement Restriction Order

When I woke up today, I felt a sudden surge of panic.  In my mind, I need to buy more stock.  Then I remember today is payday.  I need to get my stock fast, before others got to the ATM machine.

So there I was, waiting in my car for the supermarket to open.  This is the 1st I went to a supermarket ever since this movement control order.

Of coz I felt nervous, I told myself if there’s too many people, I will just go back.  I wait until the line is gone, then only I got out of my car.  I am customer no 26.  Wearing mask is a must, and my temperature were checked.  Then only I am allowed in.

I quickly grab things that I need, chicken is a must, milk powder and eggs. Along the way I just grab some extra things to fill up my basket.  In less than 30 minutes, I am done.  Get back home, and took a shower again.

At around 1pm, Malaysian received the news of the extended MCO until 14 April.  No wonder I felt panic this morning.

For our meals:

Breakfast: we ordered mee kolok, laksa, and meehun goreng.

Lunch: mee goreng
Dinner: we had nasi ayam and sup sayur.

And I had Star fruit again today.

At night, we continue watching A Letter For The King.

Having my eye mask while enjoying the drama.


  1. Nowadays all grocery and food shopilping done in a quick time. Yesterday I went to grocery shopping by myself for the first time since MCO. So many people, I guess another panic buy since PM announced the extension.

    Good time to catch on drama. 😁

  2. Yes, 1st time for me too, in this MCO time, felt so nervous.

  3. We went in the afternoon. Very peaceful and quiet. It has been our strategy since and only to non-popular supermarkets :P So far, we have had to only go out twice to replenish since mco started. Stress juga trying not to touch anything unless necessary ..
