March 26, 2020

Day 9 Movement Restriction Order

It’s raining the whole day and I got lots of meeting today.

Don’t feel like ordering any food today, since it’s raining, kesian abang Panda, basah nanti.

For breakfast, we had toast, eggs, and sausage.

For lunch, we had fried chicken and manicai.

For dinner, we had porridge, half boiled egg, and sausages for the kids.

Ohh today I put up some orders to Degrocery, but this one charge a bit high for delivery fee, RM14.99.  We need to get food for our cats, so just put in the order plus other groceries as well. Yesterday when I was at the supermarket, I wasn’t sure where is the cat food area, normally hubby did the cat food shopping, and I didn’t want to search around, gelik tauk mok jalan-jalan.  So yeah, demi kucing kesayangan, order online je lah.  We have’t received our orders yet, let see how long this one will take.


  1. Suppose to order and try the nasi lemak you recommended today but they are closed today. Yes, very heavy rain today. We stay at home today.

    Hope you get your grocery soon. Heard high demand and delivery is slow.

  2. Hi Rose, I am not in urgent need of those groceries, only for the cat food. Cats nowadays very choosy, dont want to eat leftover human food :)

    Plus I am also waiting for a packet of maggi from Shopee, crazy, maggi pun mintak post. Maybe I am too bored and just want to test the system.
