April 3, 2020

Day 17 Movement Restriction Order

Friday is here again.

For breakfast, we had mee sedaap and eggs.

For lunch, we had Fillet-o-fish from McDonald.

For dinner, we had a bit of this and that, fried fish, and king cup sardine.

How many more days to go, I dunno.  Hopefully, we have enough supply for another week.

Keeping my stock, some of the things I bought yesterday.  Pumpkin and sengkuang.

I miss eating out. Sob sob.


  1. I may need to go out to buy meats and veggie tomorrow or latest Monday. Tried not to go out so frequently. Look like cases keep going up over here in Kuching.

    I miss eating out too. Huhuhu.

  2. Take care whenever you are out. Take extra care of your handbag as well. Hope this all will be over soon. May God Bless all of us. I am getting emotional day by day.
