April 4, 2020

Day 18 Movement Restriction Order

I had a weird dream last night.  In my dream, I went to a market to buy some stuff.  At 1st there are not many people around. About 1 or 2 customers only, then when I reach to another corner, I saw so many people, I am trapped with so many people around me, and they were all not wearing masks. I am so afraid.   I wanted to go home, but I didn’t drive, I tried to get a Grab but I can’t get any.  

Ohh that dream was so weird, I guess Covid19 really mess up in my head.  So phobia of the crowd now. Took me a while to get back to sleep again.

Then morning came, all bright and sunny again. We prepared our palm for tomorrow’s Palm Sunday celebration.  We have a red palm tree in front of the house, even though that’s not the palm that they normally use in the church, but in times like this, this is the best that we can get.  Me and Emmett enjoyed our time learning how to make the Palm Cross.  This is our 1st time making it.

Today, hubby went to tapao our breakfast.  This is the 1st time we had a tapao-ed breakfast.  And also the 1st time we had roti canai and maggi goreng kambing since the MCO.  But sadly the lamb curry was a bit too spicy today.

For lunch, we had nasi briyani, which hubby tapao-ed together with canai this morning.

For dinner, we had ngohiang and bacon spaghetti aglio olio.  Kids love it.  Can repeat this menu in another few more days.  Really running out of idea on what to cook d.

Fruit, we had papaya.

In the afternoon we watched A Quiet Place (2018).

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