April 6, 2020

Day 19 Movement Restriction Order | Palm Sunday

We woke up early to join the 8am Palm Sunday Mass live broadcast.

I saw Bishop also use the same palm as what we have at home, I guess the church also cannot hold to the commonly used Sago Palm during this hard time.

After the Mass, we had our breakfast, mee sedaap and eggs again.

For lunch, we had steamed drunken chicken and tempoyak goreng.  We all like the drunken chicken except for Eugene, dunno why he hates it, that’s why I seldom cook this menu.

In the afternoon, hubby went to the nearest Sundry shop, and he called asking if I want some midin. I said yup.  Guess what we brought back?!

This is not the famous Sarawak Midin, this is just the normal fern, paku pakis, takpe lah, still can eat.  Cooked it for our dinner with lots of belacan.

At night we had dinner outside for the 1st since MCO. Yea, outside, right in front of our main door.  Haha.

We had BBQ tonight.

Let them do the cooking, and at the same time they can play with the fire.


  1. Make me want to bbq too. In the backyard. Haha.

    My kids didnt go out since school holiday started and no complaint from them. Maybe should get them out to the porch to feel the sun??

  2. Hi Rose, ya it’s good to let the children go out a bit. Provided you have an outdoor space la.

    We also thinking of having another bbq night this weekend.
