April 7, 2020

Day 20 Movement Restriction Order

Day 20.

We had food delivery for our breakfast today.  Kueh Tiao mix pork soup.

For lunch, we had char siaw rice, which was delivered together with our breakfast.

For dinner, veggie, pork ribs soup, tempoyak goreng.

Fruit, we had jambu air and orange.

This afternoon, went on my regular walk outside within my house compound.  And I noticed that the Cangkuk Manis that I planted on Day 7 is now showing new young leaves. Wow, that was fast!  Little things like this really make me happy.


  1. One more week to go. I hope.

    Nice to have garden to grow vegetables.

  2. Hi Rose, 1 week to go you think?!

    I seriously dunno what to expect now.
