April 24, 2020

Day 38 Movement Restriction Order

Our 8-days old baby kittens.

Today, for the 1st time hubby make pancakes for breakfast, and his pancake looks more like a lempeng.  Well, I guess those are pancakes kampung style.

For lunch, I make babi kicap.  My children love this dish.  Been cooking it a lot lately.

For tea break, we had banana cake from my sister, and Japanese sponge cake from my neighbour.

For dinner, we had lamb curry, fried chicken, and cabbage with sweet beans.

For supper, I make cucur pisang.

Total of 5 meals today.  I am afraid that I might not be able to fit into my corporate shirt anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I also been cooking and eating none stop. Lol. I made pancake yesterday. Babi kicap this morning. 😊
