April 25, 2020

Day 39 Movement Restriction Order

Today we finally received this pack of face masks from our beloved State Government, distributed by the local council.  We got ours at 3.40pm today.

Today I also noticed that a lot of items on Shopee no longer support free postage to Sarawak, some even does not deliver here anymore. Actually, I started to realize this a few days ago, but today I tested and hubby also said he experienced the same. Maybe the courier service cannot handle the high demand for now.  Sad.

For today’s breakfast, we ordered Laksa, ordered online.

For lunch, we had lamb curry with frozen canai.

For dinner, we had pork bone soup, ngohiang, and cabbage.

We had maggi for supper.

Today I also make Lepat ubi kayu. I have some ubi kayu in my freezer, and the gula kabong that I ordered 9 days ago from Shopee just arrived yesterday.  2 most important ingredients in making Lepat ubi kayu.  I love it, seriously everything I cooked turned out really well this MCO, thank God. Or maybe it just because we have not much choice so everything is tasty.

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