April 26, 2020

Day 40 Movement Restriction Order

We joined the 8am live broadcast Sunday Mass today.

We also harvested pineapple #5 from our backyard garden.  It’s not fully ripe yet, but the steam is too long and can no longer hold the fruit.  The fruit is mature enough, can eat half and cook half, we will see.

Today I ordered these chicken feet.  I love this chicken feet dish.  I am the only one eating these, the rest are not chicken feet fans.

For dinner, we had tapioca leaves, pork bone soup and chicken feet.

For supper, we had 2 plates of these keropok lekor.

A little dose of daily happiness today: neighbour gave us her freshly baked wheat bread again. We are going to have something yummy for our breakfast tomorrow.


  1. man, i haven't had lekor in such a very long time. /cry

    also, which site do you go to to join live mass? i've been looking but to no avail.

    thanks for stopping by and leaving some love. sorry it's all a tad confusing 'round mine— mostly all the text is in french. (lol!) i'd like to save living together full time for when we're married. i know it's a little silly to be such a "traditionalist" at a time like this but such is my silly stubbornness. i have no choice but to suck it up and soldier on. just had a brief breakdown last sunday. but thank you again. ♥

  2. Hi sgrmse, It is good you still have that traditional mind in you. It is a good side of your stubbornness I must say :)

    I got my dose of weekly mass here https://m.facebook.com/stjosephskuching/. Everyone is welcome to join. The bishop himself normally performed the Mass. I find it calming.
