May 25, 2020

CMCO Week 2 | Raya

This year indeed a different kind of raya.  Not only that we didn’t go for any visiting, but we received a surprise raya meals from a dear friend of mine.  I am so touched by her warm gestures.  All the lauk she cooked on her own early raya morning. By 10:30am she is already standing outside of my gate.
Ada lemang, ketupat, kelupis, lamb curry, dagunv hitam, kari ayam, ayam masak merah, nasi briyani, dan kek lapis.  Serious banyak.

Makasih, kawan.

This year is supposed to be a double celebration in Sarawak, next week is Gawai.  My sisters are making cakes and cookies, but I don’t have any celebration mood yet. I do miss my parents. If the situation permitted, I might go back to visit them next week. Fingers closed.

On the last day of Ramadan, me and hubby went out to hunt for ramadan food stall in Satok area.  Bazaar Ramadan is a must for us every year.  But no bazaar this year, only small stalls open here and there.  We also went to the Malays kampung behind Satok, but no stall open, maybe they were getting ready for raya celebration the next day.

Kuih and lamb briyani, we got from Satok.

We also stop by at an Ah Yong Ice Kacang, we brought our own bowls and spoons, enjoying the ice ice kacang in our cars.  Thanks hubby for accompany me doing all this little-little crazy things.  We spent a lot of time driving around this week, road are clear, fuel are cheap, why not. haha.

Work wise, I went to the office almost everyday this week, stay for not more than 5 hours each visit.  Workload slowly piling up. Not going to complain much, eventhough sometime it can be a bit overwhelming, rushing back home, bath, then continue with emeeting.  But I am thankful that I am still relevant.

Covid19 situation seems getting better in Sarawak, this week I only see 1 new case (correct me if I am wrong). We can see people dining out, go to malls. And I also went to a mall for the 1st time today.

All because I saw these corelle set on Aeon FB.  No, I didn’t buy any.  The only flowers design they have are on display, the rest are all classic.  And it’s not the design that I’m looking for.  Must have been sold before raya.  No new corelle for me this time.  But I didn’t go back empty handed.  I bought clothes that cost more than the corelle set, without trying!  I hope they all fit me well.  I need to avoid shopping malls, the urge to shop is just too high.

Ohh yesterday I went to have my new car seat cover installed.  I’ve decided not to change car anytime soon, will just put on new accessories for now.

This is where I got the covers, not good service, but since they were open on 1st day of raya, and not many people around, I just want to get it done and over with.

Some of the food in my kitchen this week..

Kangkung belacan. Kangkung from my sister’s garden.

No one’s birthday, but I feel like eating cakes, so I ordered a whole cake, why not.

Colorful Japanese food from JP Mart.


  1. What a wonderful friend you have here. You are blessed.

    Oh wow, a whole cake?? We only take cake in birthdays. I have not went to buy anything from JP Mart.

  2. Yes Rose, I am so grateful.

    That whole cake is so good, we finished it in 2 days. Just simple sponge cake with fresh cream.
