July 7, 2020

RMCO Week 4

So I finally step my foot at a wet market this week.  It was on a weekdays, so not that many people around.

Main purpose was to look for this fish - ikan patin.

I have been craving for tempoyak patin for a few week now.  Finally I make my 1st tempoyak patin, so easy, so yummy.

I also went out for window shopping and eat out with hubby for the 1st time since MCO.  Though we only had dessert at Hui Lau Shan, Vivacity.

Let we what I had in my kitchen this week.

Steam ikan siakap.
Kerang masak kicap.
Ikan patin, 2nd round.

I also bought these baklawa from shoppee, saja nak cuba.  Too sweet.


  1. Yummy homecooked. Kerang. Long time didnt eat that.

  2. Lately I have been craving for seafood meal. Just buy the ingredients and cook simple dish at home. Still learning, as long as can eat, good enough d.

  3. I tried those baklas once and found it too sweet. Never tried it again. So yummy la your meal.
