July 13, 2020

RMCO Week 5

The beginning of the week looks so promising.  With Kuching being declared as Green Zone, we were planning to have family outing the coming weekend.  But when Friday came so was the bad news.  Kuching had 2 new cases for 3 consecutive days in a row.  All plan was cancelled.  We just stay at home over the week.

Nonetheless, we get to loosen up a bit when we were in Green Zone.  I had my 1st official dinner function with poco-poco as one of the program that night.

I also went for my long delay massage at my usual place.  They are finally back to business this week.  I brought my own kain sarung.  No photo taken.

I also went to a hardware cum furniture shop in Samarahan, ML Home Mart.  Loving this full length mirror.  No, I didn’t buy it, not sure where to place it.

And to end the week, we had bbq night,  we had bacon, smoked duck, prawn, and cheese sausage.

Btw, I still haven’t get the kids to cut their hair, I am loving their long hair look.

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