July 20, 2020

RMCO Week 6

Nothing much happening this week. Covid19 case is still increasing, not goong anywhere over the weekend.  We did went back to kampung to visit my parents on Saturday, not for long though.  Minimise contact, but I need to go back just in case Kuching becoming red zone again.  Touch wood.

Work in office busy as usual.  With program postponing, replanned, re-strategies.  My organisation celebrates its 25 anniversary this week.  We had a small celebration in the office.

We went out tapao for food most of the time.  Let see what I cooked this week.

Daun ubi
Bawal hitam goreng.
Patin tempoyak.

Lama tak makan maggi.  Hari ni buat maggi special dengan udang. Sedap!

I spent alot of time on the phone too, reading novels and playing stupid quiz on FB, here are some..


Totally ridiculous.

1 comment:

  1. Stay safe, Ez. I had hope that we maintain zero covid ..sigh. You ah, can really whip up amazing local food. So sedap!
