July 30, 2020

RMCO Week 7 | Telaga Air

I took a day off from work on Monday.  We went for our 1st family outing since MCO, to a seaside Malay Kampung, Telaga Air.

This is my 2nd time in Telaga Air, 1st time was few years back, I went there for official duty.  It is the 1st time for the rest of the family.

With not many vechicles on the road, it only took us about 30 minutes to reach our destination.  Best things about going out on weekdays is that there not many people around.  But some of the shop might not the open during weekdays.  Which does not really effect our plan since we don’t have a plan to start with. haha.

After driving around the small town, we stop at one of the seafood restaurant, called Sinar Restaurant.  We ordered food for our late lunch, shellout for 2 person, omelette, and sweet sour ikan siakap.  Total bill at RM93, including 3 plain rice, 2 coconut, and 2 cokes.

This is the 1st time our children had meal outside since MCO.  Kesian diorang, lama betul tak keluar, tapi diorang ok jer, serinok jer duduk rumah.

The shellout was really good.  Not too spicy as we requested none spicy, just nice.

On the way back we stop by at the famous coconut shake stalls by the roadside, we got 1 coconut shake and 1 mango shake.  I prefer the mango shake, as I feel the coconut shake tasted more like santan shake. hehe.

Other than the trip to Telaga Air, our days are just pretty usual.  Covid cases are increasing in Kuching, we try to stay at home most of the time.

I had ABC gula apong with my colleague on one of our lunch break.

I had lots of pineapple this week too.


  1. Waa..nice to finally get out.
    I remember my first 'real' outing after mco - punya stress, lol.

  2. Hi Sharon, ya slowly practice the kids to wear mask, nanti school starts at least they know what to do. Kuching’s school still close until 17th August 2020.

  3. Good to know you finally manage to go there. Yes, go on weekday is preferable.

    Stay safe and healthy.

  4. Its great to spend time with family especially after MCO. The foods look amazing..Hopefully the kids enjoy to the maximum
