August 9, 2020

RMCO Week 8

Nothing much happening in week 8.  Kuching was declared back to red zone this week.  Luckily it does last that long, only for about 3 days then the cases start reducing again.

Starting from 1st until 14th August, most of the shops need to close at 10pm and it is a must to wear a face mask in public.

Didn’t go out much.  But I did had Laksa and ice mango on a separate occasion.

Sarawak Laksa at Choon Hui

Mango Ice at Jubilee Hawker Centre, MBKS.


  1. It looks so yummy!! Awww...I miss Sarawak laksa so much. I last had it when I was in Kuching back in 2018, a friend brought me to Mom's Kopitiam in Petra Jaya. Super yummy! Your photo reminded me of those times. So hard to find a similar version in Penang. And the mango ice makes my mouth water..Lol

    It saddens me to see the cases increasing. I really pray that everything goes back to normal soon for the country.

  2. Hi Gina, ya, I know it's not easy to find good Laksa Sarawak in Penang. Just like how we can't find Penang good char kuey teow or wantan mee in Kuching.

    Wish this pandemic will be over soon and we can travel again to get a dose of our favourite food elsewhere :)

  3. Just went to Jubilee Hall last week!!!
