August 19, 2020

Emmett’s 11th Birthday

This year Emmett’s birthday fall on Sunday.  On that day, as usual we had our early Sunday Mass online.  Then I make his favourite pancakes for breakfast.

Since we are still in RMCO, only me and hubby went out to tapao food on that day, and at the same time we did some groceries shopping too.  We bought Apple Donuts, Pizza Hut, and Starbucks drink from him.

For dinner, we ordered food from Howdy’s. We also bought 2 tiny cute cakes for him.  I know he might not want to have a cute birthday cake in the future, that’s why I chose these.  My boy is growing up too fast. sob sob.

After dinner it’s time to unbox the Birthday presents. I got him a large set of Lego bricks since he wanted to go to Legoland for the 3rd time, but we can’t make it this year.  And the 2 books that I ordered from Book Depositary before MCO just arrived earlier this week, it also can counted as his birthday.  I know he is going to love it.

Happy Birthday, son.  Mommy loves you.

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