August 19, 2020

RMCO Week 10 | Back to school

Week 10 of RMCO, I still continue on my evening walk, but this week, I add in cycling to my routine.  So some days I go for walk, some days I go cycling.

Just my usual 1 mile short exercise, sad news is that I had a really bad back muscle pain on Wednesday evening.  It happened around 10pm, I started feel pain at the left side of my back, spread to my left arm.  I thought I was having a stroke, we were getting ready to go to the emergency room, luckily the pain was gone in about 10-15 minutes.  I only went to a clinic on the next morning, want to avoid hospital visit during this RMCO.  Doctor said nothing serious. Pheww.

On Friday, me and my colleague went for lunch at Secret Recipe.  It was a birthday treat to one of our colleagues.

On Saturday, we went to a saloon for the 1st time since MCO, getting hair cut for the kids, since the school is starting again on Monday.  No hair done for me, I trim my own hair twice since MCO.

Saturday afternoon, me and Emmett went for our cycling, Emmett had a fall and injured his knee.  Pity him,  when we were kids, this kind of injury were very common, but for kids nowadays, it is something rare.

On Sunday, it’s Emmett bitthday.

On Monday, I took a day off from work.  Feeling anxious sending the kids to school.

Should I continue sending my kids to school? Stay tuned.


  1. On a brighter note, injuries also mean that you guys are great parents because you let your kids experience all there is outdoors :)

  2. haha, thank you for the encouragement, Sharon :)
