August 30, 2020

RMCO Week 11

We went back to kampung over the weekend.

The next morning, before we drive back to Kuching, to stop by to have breakfast in Bau town.  We had our usual must have evey time we were in Bau town.

So long we haven’t eaten at Bau kopitiam, since MCO.

Bau town on a rainy morning.
Kolo mee soup

Tomato crispy mee

These are what you should try if you ever come to Bau town.

Here’s what I cooked in my kitchen this week.

Smoked duck, salmon, daun ibu, tomato with egg.

Here’s my box of happiness this week.

My 3rd wireless earphones from the same brand.

All the way from Sibu.

The viral Korean garlic cheese bun, freshly baked by my good neighbour.

Bought this from FB live auction.

And here’s my walking record this week.

Oh ya, our PM just announced yesterday that the RMCO will be extended until 31st Dec 2020.  Ohh well.


  1. Ya..sad,kan..sampai 31st Dec bah, haha. We're almost covid-free but small pockets keep popping up, sigh. Yummy food, Ez. Lapar I see all your pics. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Ya, what to do, as long as still no vaccine, we have to be vigilant all the time.

  3. You guys are so blessed to live in East Malaysia. I love Sarawak for its different food and abundance of forests.

  4. Never heard of tomato crispy mee! Seems like something to try when I visit Sarawak(not anytime soon due to COVID). We can get kolo mee easily here in KL

  5. yeah,i feel sad i already plan to go somewhere far with friend alr but now all cancel
