October 2, 2020

Headache and blood test

My headache was getting worse.  I started notice something is not right some time in July 2019.  I went for a blood test and found out I had low blood counts.  The doctor gave me a 500mg dose of iron pills for daily intake.  I couldn’t take it, it makes me feel worse, nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea.

I tried to change my diet, which seems to work for a few months.

In May 2020 this year, I started feeling my headache is coming back, and it is getting worse.  In Sept 2020, I could get it up to 3-4 times a week! It always started with a blur vision, like bright light, followed by a headache.

I went to see a different doctor in Sept 2020, to do another blood test. He prescribed another type of iron pills to me.  The same things happened, I still cannot those pills.

A few days later, I went to get my test result, sure enough, my blood count is still low. And the doctor prescribed me with different pills, folic acid pills this time.  Plus 3 different types of migraine’ pills.

Thank God I haven’t had any headaches for the past 5 days now. Hopefully, I did something right this time.  Here’s what I did differently.  Pre/post headache:

1. I try to go for a walk in the park or cycling daily.  Note the word ‘try’.

2. Went for the traditional massage at my kampung.

3. Start taking folic acid 5mg pills, daily.

4. Try to take oatmeal and omega milk for breakfast.  Cutting down on kolo mee and laksa, and tea.

5. Spiritual side, keeping blessed salt and holy water close by, both all the way from Jerusalem.

6. Never go to bed with wet hair.  I invested in a new hairdryer.

7. Trying my best not to think too much about work once I am home.

8. Started to wear spectacles.

Do you have any other advice for me?

Emmett, when he saw me wearing spec for the 1st time.

Emmett: Mom, you look so different. Like someone that deals with a website or something.

Me: Son, that’s my job.


  1. Oh dear, your headaches sounded scary as it dragged so long. When you got better after seeing the last doctor who gave you different migraine pills, I guessed you might be having a chronic migraine.

    I also had migraine which started about 20 years ago and it took me so long to know that I had migraine. No amount of panadols could send the migraine headache away but just one migraine pill could cure my pain in just 1 minutes. That was because I went to see the doctor and he pointed out that I had migraine as it always started from behind my left eye balls and slowly would get worse until whole head.

    Whenever I had migraine, my mood would be bad and I snapped easily at anyone. I hated it and decided to do much research to prevent it. I changed my lifestyle slightly as too hot weather, too angry or too noisy places and even bad posture could trigger my migraine. So I need to drink barley or cooling herbal tea once in a while and carries essential oils plus migraine tablets everywhere I go. They are kept inside my cars and traveling luggage. I had a terrible experience in Taipei when I had migraine and the pharmacies are not allowed to sell migraine tablets over the counter. I had to see the doctor and he only gave me paracetamol which didn't help. Since that day, I swore to put essential oils and migraine tablets in my passport pouch!

    So I guess you could be having migraine symptoms that could combine with other issues which might take you months later to know yourself better than doctor.

  2. Hi Twilight Man, I also had my 1st migraine about 20 years ago. But normally I only had it like once a year, a really bad one. But this time, I am getting it multiple time in a months, but not that strong, still bad enough that it disturbed my daily routine.

    I guess my migraine combine with low blood counts, contribute to my current conditions, not a good one. Good news is that, I havent had the symptom for 8 days now. Thank God.

    What type of migraine pill you take? Sound like a miracle pills to me. Normally sleep is my best medicine, of coz after I vomit out all my stomach content.

  3. Please stay healthy and keep safe especially over this never ending covid situation

  4. There used to be Cafergot pills being sold over the parmacy counters for many years. Now they have stopped selling and have another brand that has similar packing at cheaper price, I forgot the brand. You can ask the pharmacists for cafergot tablets and they would tell you it's not on sale anymore but they have another replica type. It is safe and good.

  5. Omg pls take care of urself Qwq If notice something abnormal happen to ur body must hurry up go to check with doctor sometime small pain after long time will be very dangerous.

  6. Hi Ali, thanks and you stay safe too.

    Hi Twilight man, thanks for sharing.

    Hi Lucas, yes, I did went for medical checkup and the doc gave me another pills, which I think it works (suitable for me) have not been any headache for a month now. Hurray and Thank God. You take care too.
