October 8, 2020

A year of shopping list

It’s been a year since my last holiday outside of Sarawak.  Our last trip was to Bangkok in Sept 2019.

It’s been a crazy year, I believe everyone feels the same. But life has to go on.  We try to adapt, and we try to find happiness in every little thing that we do.

Travelling is something that I always look forward to. And I normally did most of my shopping whenever I went travelling.  Now that we can’t travel, I did most of my shopping online for other things except for clothes and footwear.

Let see what I bought in this 1 year period:

Clothes, un-countable, too many, whenever I am happy I shop, whenever I am sad I shop. Plus, now that I seldom go to Malls, so everytime I shop, I have the urge to buy more just in case there will be another MCO. Not good.

Sample of what I bought in 1 trip, at 1 shop.

Footwear, a pair of sandals, a walking shoes, a sports shoes, and a heels.  Very good.

Kitchenware, 1 slow-cooker, 1 clay pot, and 1 cast iron pot.

Electrical device: a robot vacuum and mop, 2 hairdryers.

For bedroom, 2 sets of bedsheets.

That’s all for my major spending, not bad ya?  I am reading a lot about becoming Minimalist now, dunno when I can become one.

Proud to say that I didn’t buy any new handbag within this 1 year.  Why? Because Rakuten Global is no more available. Sob sob.


  1. I miss travelling. Suppose to go to Langkawi in May but cancel due to MCO. Still credit ny ticket but dont know where to go. And whether dare to go or not. Lol.

    So long did not step into any shopping malls. Mostly do my grocery shopping in emart and then cepat cabut. Lol.

  2. For me personally i love online shopping, it gives so much options besides the trial i prefer online even more especially during the pandemic.

  3. Online shopping is the go to now! I have preferred it even before MCO. Ease of finding what you need without having to look in multiple shops or walk all around a physical store trying to find something you need

  4. Hi Rose, try to avoid emart batu kawanfor now ya.

    Hi Sarah, I love online shopping, but it can be easily out of hand, so easy to just click here n there.

    Hi Jack, yes, Thank God for Online shopping. I love it especially if there’s free shipping 😅

  5. Great post!

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  6. I have not traveled out overseas since the MCO lockdown and my legs are itchy.

  7. Hi twilight man, of coz we cannot travel oversea during this time la hahaha.
    But at least you people in semanjung can travel to other state by car, we in Sarawak have to take flight. Scary.
