October 29, 2020

Beach BBQ Bonfire Dinner

Few weeks ago we had a wonderful time at Damai Beach Resort for a private beach BBQ Bonfire dinner.

The weather was great with a beautiful sunset that evening. Food was good, company was good, weather was great.  What more can you ask for.

Here are some of the photos we had that night.

We were glad that we get to do some activity during that time. Now that Kuching is back in redzone, all activities have to stop.  Stay at home as much as possible, and stay safe everyone.


  1. I must say that your photos are very nice with all the different shades of clouds. They look like nature's beautiful palette of myriad colours.

  2. Long time did not go to beach. To Damai. Love your photos, nice beach activity.

  3. soooo nice! any restrictions with COVID and all

  4. Hi Twilight Man, yes, beautiful sunset on that day.

    Hi Rose, it’s good to be able to go to the beach on that day, now we are in red zone again, let just stay at home.

    Hi Ahmad, that time we were in green zone, so some activity are allowed, of coz with SOP in place.

  5. Need a vacay badly but because of the number rising again we have to stay home, sighs...

    So my way of stress relief is visiting this place, Hypno Therapy maybe you can check it out for more infomation :)
