April 20, 2021

Rabies vaccine

Last month, I got bitten by this (stupid) cute dog. 

His name is Casper. He is my sister’s dog. He is always been very playful, not sure why that day he suddenly sink his tooth into my foot.

The dog bite on my foot.

My sister normally got him vaccinated yearly, even though he only stays in the house compound. However this year he is already overdue on his vaccination by a few months.

As we know, there were few fatal rabies cases in Sarawak lately.  We don't want to take the risk, better get myself vaccinated immediately.

So we went to Borneo Medical Centre on the same night.  The rabies vaccination can be used on 2 persons sharing from 1 bottle, at the same cost, only need to add another RM28 for extra needles.  So end up my sister also took the vaccine together with me.  The next time if she got bitten, she only needs to get the booster shot, no need for the whole series.

Rabies vaccine comes in 6 doses plus 1 for tetanus vaccine.  Total all together within 7 days are 7 shots for me alone. The tetanus vaccine was quite painful, it gives you a numb arm afterward; the rabies vaccine was not so bad.  3 shots for the 1st visit, 3 days later another 2 shots and on the 7th day another 2 shots.  You will also be given a week of antibiotics for consumption.

So if you are looking for rabies vaccination in Kuching, go to Borneo Medical Centre if you can afford it.  I understand the waiting time in GH can be quite long. Here in BMC the most are 1 hour waiting time plus I normally went between 6pm-8pm, fewer people during that time. 

Ok, rabies vaccine done, covid vaccine next?


  1. Thanks for the rabies vaccine info. In house dogs are safer as rarely exposed to other dogs but good to be safe

  2. Hi Rose, yes better be safe than sorry.
