May 8, 2021

Atomy Absolute Skincare

I used to go for my monthly facial during pre-covid time. At that time, whenever I have facial problem, I will just rely on my beautician to resolve it for me.  So I never pay much attention on the type of skincare that I am using. I just bought whichever that attracts me at that time.

Now, it has been months since my last facial done.

In the beginning, I did get some mask acne, and other minor facial problem.  After recommendations from my sisters and friends, I am now a proud Atomy member and Atomy consumer.  

I am using this set suitable for aging lady in my age. So far so good.  This set cost about RM800, plus foam cleanser and sunscreen total altogether cost less than RM1000.

There are other Atomy products that I am using. But that will be another story for another post.

That’s all for my sharing today. Till we meet again. Xoxo


  1. Heard about this brand but never use. I also used to enjoy facial at least once a month before Covid. Now it is almost 2 years since my last facial appointment. Sigh.

  2. Hi Rose, ya, we really miss out facial, spa, saloon session, don't we :D

  3. I wish to tell you a crazy story about this ATOMY products. When the MCO 1.0 hit, my wife's many classmates suddenly became agents for Atomy and recruited her. She just obliged and joined but never active. She bought all different products from different friends just to support them without telling the hidden truths.

    I tried using her shampoo and facial wash once. Superb!!!!
