May 28, 2021

In my garden | Pineapple #7

Nanas yang ke-7 dari belakang rumah dah masak gais.

Sedap, manis and juicy.

Kali ni kita buat menu pkp special, homemade pineapple pork burger. Yummeh.

Pineapple pork burgers for dinner today.

Freshly caramelized homegrown pineapple from our backyard, plus homemade pork patties.

So good.

Gawai Holiday starts today, cmo around the corner. Nothing much to do. So, cooking day it is.

For info, nanas di tak pernah di bagi baja langsung tau. Rasa nya tanah di belakang rumah saya tu memang sesuai sangat untuk nanas, kalau tanam sayur lain tak nak hidup pulak. Nanas ni main tikam je pun hidup, manis pulak tu.

See alsos:

In my garden | Pineapple #5 and #6


  1. So nice to harvest and enjoy own grown pineapple. Homecooked burgers are the best. I also make burger yesterday for breakfast.

    Stay safe. Take care.

  2. OMG! Your nenas is very big and juicy. Salute! Banyak ONG Mali.

  3. Hi Rose, really running out of idea on what to cook, homemade burger is so easy and tasty, as long as all the ingredients are fresh.

    Hi Twilight Man, pineapple = ong? Then I better plant more. hahaha
