November 23, 2021

2 steps forward 1 step back

I drafted this post a few months ago. Now I am a happier person. Yes, time heals. 

Hidup ini macam roda bah, sekejap kita di bawah, sekejap kita di atas, tapi masih juga parts kereta yang paling bawah roda ni, kalau saya pilih jadi bumbung kereta, nanti kena taik burung pulak. Kalau pilih jadi tempat duduk, nanti asyik cium burit orang saja. Takpa lah, jadi saja roda dulu.


Our organization did a job rotation exercise recently.  Few of the staff involved in the job rotation, including me.

Although I did fill in the job rotation request, I didn't get the post that I wanted; the post that I wanted is still vacant for now.  I was moved to a different unit, which I have no experience of whatsoever. But at least it is still in the same department.

At 1st I was skeptical, all sorts of questions running through my head, am I not good enough, am I going into cold storage?  

Whatever is it, I am sure the management has their own reasons for making the decision.

On the bright side, I had been in the same unit for about 11 years, maybe it's the right time for me to change, maybe I am running out of new ideas by sitting in the same position for so many years.  It is time to explore and learn new things.  Take it like going to college but in a fast track manner while getting paid, isn't that great?

I find myself enjoying the learning process. I see things differently.  The downside of learning new things is that you kind of depend on the information provided by the previous holders.  You might make mistakes along the way, you need to put on a thicker face (bawwa muka tebal) to ask around before you are able to stand on your own.

and I stabble across this.. Why taking a step back is the best decision for career and personal growth

The content resonates well with me, even though I am not thinking of changing jobs for now.  But the dilemma and advice and the insight are what I needed at the moment.

I am sure these all will pass in no time. I just wanted to write it down, so that I can be reminded of how I feel at this moment in time.

"In a motivational slump, you feel disappointed, question your enthusiasm for your job and feel guilty that you're not performing to your full potential.

Everyone will inevitably experience a period of low energy, feeling removed from their work and would rather be on vacation or on the couch watching Netflix."

Now I am adjusting well.  I thank you for the opportunity.

Last year's photo while working from home (at my front porch)


  1. Sometimes it is good to take up a different challenge or job scope in the same company after many years of working. Learning never stop. I bet it will turn out well for you. Good luck.

  2. Hi Rose, yes, I have to agree with you. Plus when life gives you lemons, just make lemonade :D
