November 10, 2021

Senchiru Izakaya, Kuching

One of the best non-halal Japanese Restaurants in Kuching.

Located in Saradise, BDC new town, Senchiro Izakaya served a wide variety of affordable Japanese food.

This is considered quite a new restaurant in Kuching. Open about 2 years ago, then the MCO, so we didn't have a chance to go and try.

We finally went there yesterday for our dinner. I was not that hungry as I already had a boba tea earlier in the office.  So I opted for something light.

Buta Avocado - RM16

I loved it.

Hubby ordered Urayaki Buta Noodle in Buta soup based, RM18. Even though it didn’t taste as authentic as what we had in Japan, the soup taste more on the sweeter side, and the noodle still a bit too hard (maybe that is why they called it noodle rather than ramen), but it is still good value for our money.

And a pot of hot green tea at RM4.

Will definitely be back to try out more, I saw quite a selection of interesting lists on their menu. 

Plus they have an outdoor eating space, which is an important criteria for us when choosing our dining place. We try to avoid indoor restaurants as much as we can.  Even though some may say "it’s the same la, aircond or not still risky" but that's another story for another day.