Seperti tahun-tahun yang lepas,
Valentine's Day kami disambut dengan makan-makan..
this year I request for Orchid
Tapi yang paling special tahun ni...
we received a Valentine's card from Eugene,
Kad ni dia buat masa kat school tadi.

Eugene said: 'Mummy, onu tih hari sayang-sayang doh?'
(Today is love-love day issit?)
I said: 'Yes'
Then he gave me a kiss on my cheek..oh so sweet.
And he did the same to daddy when daddy reach home.
Tengok la tulisan cakar ayam dia tu..comel kan..
Spelling pun banyak error, apapun I loike!
Thank you sayang.
And not forgetting..Happy Chap Goh Mei to all of you!
Valentine's Day kami disambut dengan makan-makan..

this year I request for Orchid

we received a Valentine's card from Eugene,
Kad ni dia buat masa kat school tadi.

Eugene said: 'Mummy, onu tih hari sayang-sayang doh?'
(Today is love-love day issit?)
I said: 'Yes'
Then he gave me a kiss on my cheek..oh so sweet.
And he did the same to daddy when daddy reach home.

Spelling pun banyak error, apapun I loike!
Thank you sayang.
And not forgetting..Happy Chap Goh Mei to all of you!
cute...pnde juak eugene plh sweet...hehehe..=p
Aww... bagus betul cikgu inoh bih. Cute pinky card! eh, boleh main request-request juak ka? haha
fLo: mesti cikgu sidak ada guide masa kat sekolah bah.
Coffee girl: dah kawin tok lain banding zaman berchenta dolok, nek tok dah boleh request2; gua ngak mahu bunga rose masa valentine, harga bukan2 jak.
Best apa orchid, dalam pasu gik, dapat tahan lama. haha..sik romantic lalu jak.
haha... mun dalam pasu ya dah jadi untuk the whole household. bukan khas utk u ajak. pakei collection. tahun depan minta tulips gik.
Hi Lvynana, Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Chap Goh Mei!! The card that Eugene made is very beautiful. I think his handwriting is quite good. :)
wow, that's very sweet.
Very sweet of him! Nice card
"Onu sayang sayang".. that's cute!
hehehehe. steady aku
Coffee girl: Theoretically, okuk sadik kakuk noh, coz i'm the only dayung in the house..:)
poyo sik theory ku ya.
Mummy Gwen: his handwriting has improve so much as compared to few motnhs ago.
TimmyLicious: steady bih.
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