May 30, 2021

In my garden | cow grass

We had this cow grass planted in 2014.

We got a contractor to do it for us for about RM2k at that time.

Now we have more plants in our backyard, we have more pineapples, ubi kayu, limau kasturi and the guava trees are still there. Actually, we planted a new limau kasturi tree at the same spot.  The previous tree was getting old and big, I got it removed and planted a smaller and cuter one 😁 This is our 3rd pokok limau so far. 1st one was planted in 2007.

Ok, back to the cow grass story.

I haven’t really put much attention to the grass, normally we just let the grass cutter uncle do his work. But since the 2nd CMO just started and I have taken a more than 1-week Gawai leave. Can’t even go back to visit my parents, might as well look for something to do to sweat out a bit in the evening.

So today I started plucking these unwanted weeds manually. I got a small stool and a portable sony speaker with me, The Beatles were playing on repeat.  Ahh, such a relaxing activity on a lovely evening.


3 baskets of these unwanted weeds..

This is how the unwanted grass looks like.  Ada ubi dekat akar nya, which makes it hard to pull out, good exercise.


Nampak beza tak?

May 28, 2021

In my garden | Pineapple #7

Nanas yang ke-7 dari belakang rumah dah masak gais.

Sedap, manis and juicy.

Kali ni kita buat menu pkp special, homemade pineapple pork burger. Yummeh.

Pineapple pork burgers for dinner today.

Freshly caramelized homegrown pineapple from our backyard, plus homemade pork patties.

So good.

Gawai Holiday starts today, cmo around the corner. Nothing much to do. So, cooking day it is.

For info, nanas di tak pernah di bagi baja langsung tau. Rasa nya tanah di belakang rumah saya tu memang sesuai sangat untuk nanas, kalau tanam sayur lain tak nak hidup pulak. Nanas ni main tikam je pun hidup, manis pulak tu.

See alsos:

In my garden | Pineapple #5 and #6

May 8, 2021

Atomy Absolute Skincare

I used to go for my monthly facial during pre-covid time. At that time, whenever I have facial problem, I will just rely on my beautician to resolve it for me.  So I never pay much attention on the type of skincare that I am using. I just bought whichever that attracts me at that time.

Now, it has been months since my last facial done.

In the beginning, I did get some mask acne, and other minor facial problem.  After recommendations from my sisters and friends, I am now a proud Atomy member and Atomy consumer.  

I am using this set suitable for aging lady in my age. So far so good.  This set cost about RM800, plus foam cleanser and sunscreen total altogether cost less than RM1000.

There are other Atomy products that I am using. But that will be another story for another post.

That’s all for my sharing today. Till we meet again. Xoxo