This is the part 2 of our visit to Sinar Serapi. See the part 1
Boat ride cost RM4 per adult and RM2 per child.
The operator will take you around the pond, twice.
Tengok la muka excited budak-budak tu, 1st time naik boat la katakan..
Dalam kolam tu pun ada ikan-ikan kecil.
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Eugene tengah menikmati keindahan alam :) |
Selalu juga nak bawa anak-anak gi naik sunset penambang at Kuching waterfront, tapi hubby tak setuju.. asyik cakap tunggu diorang besar sikit..huhu..
Btw, no outside food is allowed there, kena beli from cafe dalam tu.
Rugi je sedia pack food hari tu, ingatkan nak buat ala-ala picnic.
Last-last makan dalam keta je.