The lemongrass that I planted in a flower pot few months ago has grown so big, I can hardly see the pot anymore.

Kitto loves the plant.
Today, I am making some lemongrass tea. I only need lemongrass, pandan leaves and rock sugar. Boil them together.

Arghh so nice to have a glass of warm lemongrass tea on a rainy sunday morning. Feels like I was transfer back to Siem Reap for awhile there..
Benefits of lemongrass tea are endless, but here are some of them..

Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mom ya.
I used to grow in a pot but not succeesful. Die off. Haha. Yours sure very healthy.
Hi Rose, I had few series of failure too. Dunno why these grow so healthy, Maybe they like the haze.. Haha. Seriously I had no idea.
Beautiful, Ez! I tried planting this once without success. I motivated to try again!
I planted on the ground and also in a pot...but it does not grow fast enough for my missus to use, same with my spring onions, everything. :(
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