We have been buying ice cubes for almost every day this year.
Ice cubes per packet cost RM2, average 5 times a week, 4 weeks a month for the past 8 months. Total lost RM320.
Beli je la mesin ais ni. Harap lebih berbaloi.
Machine mijia ni ada 3 model.
Boleh tengok perbandingan di bawah.
Kami beli yang badan dia stainless steel, harap-harap paling tahan la kan. Beli kat shopee je.
Machine ni boleh buat ice dalam masa 6 minutes, nak penuhkan basket kecil dalam tu mengambil masa 2 jam. Lama la jugak.
Jum layan video unboxing kami..
#icemachine #icemaker
Updates: After one month of using this small machine, we noticed a spike of RM50 on our monthly electricity bill. Looks like the price is not worth it. But I guess we are paying for the convenience of it. We are using it everyday from 8am to 10pm average. At night we switched it off.