January 26, 2022

What an Egg-cellent dinner

My homecooked egg-cellent dinner last night.

Tiba-tiba datang rajin, cooked 7 dishes for our dinner.

5 of them were egg-based dishes.

Plain fried egg for Emmett.

Egg with lobak manis for me.

Chives with egg for Eugene.

Bitter gourd with egg.

Lobak putih with egg #charkuehkak Ini kira dessert lah.

Steamed pork.

Pork ribs soup with lotus roots and nuts.


Malas nak keluar tapao, hari ni payday, mesti ramai orang. Hujan pulak tu.


Dengar kata susah nak cari telur di Sarawak sekarang.

Syukur saya ada jodoh dengan telur. Selalu jumpa lorry telur kat luar kedai makan, beli terus dari situ. Tak payah thru middle man.

Telur size AAA RM14.50. Tapi telur besar ni biasa ada kembar dalam nya, kalau nak buat kek tak sesuai la.

Ok, sekian cerita telur kita hari ni.

January 18, 2022

Why Gold investment is not suitable for me

Pernah tak dengar kes orang simpan duit dalam bank, last-last tak dapat nak keluarkan?

Lately, I have been hearing this kind of news quite often, some even claim that they lost an amount of money from their bank account.  Scary, don’t you think?

There's a saying 'don't put all your eggs in 1 basket'.  That's the best advice I can think of in times like this.

Disebabkan duit pun tak berapa nak banyak, I have to pick and choose the best option that fits into my financial plan.  Few investments that I try, ASB, unit trust, property, gold, stock market, crypto.

And here's why I think the gold investment is not suitable for me.

Investing in physical gold is the oldest method of making gold investments. Whenever you buy gold, it is basically a gold investment.  

Not a Source of Steady Income
I make investments to plan for a source of income for my retirement life and for my children's education.

Gold investment is not the one made for these specific purposes coz when you invest in gold once and you sell the gold once, there is no continuous profit involved that flows into your pockets. Gold probably is one of the best hard assets but when it comes to investing for an income purpose, it is not the right basket. 

Another reason is that, even if you see on paper or on the internet that the gold price is always increasing, but you need to remember, there is a selling price and buying price.  The selling price is always lower and your price can stuck in between gor a long period of time before you can start gaining.

I give you a simple example:

I bought a 'virtual gold' last year at RM247.75/g, if you see that now the gold price has increased to RM250.51/g, but when you check the selling price is only at RM242.57/g, meaning I will still be losing money if I sell my gold now.

What I am trying to say here is that be mindful of these conditions before you plan to invest in gold.  And remember 'don't put all your eggs in 1 basket'.

For me, gold investment is the smallest basket that I go for now.  Esok lusa tak tau la kan.

Latest update: 28 Jan 2022
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